How to Join

DINA Consortium

Consider joining us in further developing DINA!

DINA is an open source project so your contributions and membership benefit a wide set of users and stakeholders.

There are two types of members in the DINA Consortium: Core Members and Associate Members.

Core Members

Core Members commit staff resources to the project (0.5 full-time equivalent) and are voting members on the International Steering Committee and Technical Committee. The staff resources committed to the project must participate in the Technical Committee.

Associate Members

Associate Members participate as observers in the Iinternationl Steering Committee and Technical Committee, but are not voting members. A member may switch status given sufficient notice; in particular, a Core Member will be expected to finish its current Technical Committee-assigned task(s) before becoming an Associate Member.

If you are interested in having your institution or project join the DINA Consortium, please study the DINA Memorandum of Understanding below and then contact one of the members of the DINA International Steering Committee.